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Roof Upkeep You Can Do Yourself

With proper upkeep, your home’s asphalt roof can last 15 years. Most of that upkeep you can handle yourself. Monthly and seasonal maintenance tasks can help you spot problems like a newly formed leak and have them repaired by a professional roofer before they become a big problem. In this blog, we’ll consider the four top tasks homeowners can do to maintain healthy roofs on their homes.

Inspect Your Roof

Once per year or after a storm, walk the perimeter of your home, examining the roof for lost shingles or tiles. Use a ladder to look at the entire roof, but do not try to walk on the roof. If it has sustained damage, it could give way. If you spot damage, phone a professional roofer to schedule an estimate and repair work.

Clean the Roof

Clean your roof using a two-person team so that you will have someone to hold the ladder. Mount the ladder and use a leaf blower or a broom to clean off debris without climbing on the roof. Doing this makes it easier for water to run off your home’s roof and into the roofing gutters.

Maintain the Gutters and Downspouts

Some websites tell you to clean your roofing gutters after each fall to ready them for winter. Check your home’s guttering system after each storm or windy day. A home’s guttering system clogs up easily; cleaning them out takes just a few minutes. Once clean, they whisk water away from your roof and foundation, protecting it from harm.

Trim Overhanging Trees

Trim any trees near your home with branches that overhang the roofing gutters or roof. This task reduces the number of leaves, debris, twigs, and fallen branches that can reach your home’s roof. Have an arborist examine any diseased tree. It may need care from the arborist to restore its health. They also may recommend cutting it down, which prevents it from passing its disease to other trees or falling on the roof.

Contact Us Today

Proper care of your home’s roof can help it last longer. Call Forever Roofing when you need roofing repairs or a roof inspection for your Tukwila, WA, home. Protect this important asset in your portfolio with proper upkeep and repairs. Have minor issues fixed immediately so they can’t become major issues.